Let Go, Scorpio!

Manon Jacquin
3 min readMar 11, 2023


Last night I dreamt that I had to chose an animal totem among 7 different ones. I think it was in Mexico. I chose the Scorpio. First thing I did this morning was to look for the significance of that dream (of course!).

The scorpio — according to spirit-animal.com, no idea how legit this is by the way, but who cares, when one wants answers?! — is a powerful totem urging the dreamer to follow its own convictions, to remove and cut things that does not serve us anymore, and to reestablish boundaries. Most of all, it invites us to LET GO.

To Let Go. This particularly struck with me because of the conversation I had with Anton the evening before. For those who don’t know Anton, he’s my soul mate, my partner in crime, and the one who also pushes me and helps me grow for the past 9 years — #justThat

The conversation went from the signification of the Moon and Stars in the Ancient time (“the Stars were there before Egypt!”), followed by how the poet Jules Deelder helped him embrace his darkness, up until the “Manon you need to let go moment”:

“You need to go through the tunnel towards big canvas whether that be large paper or substack, large it shall be. Why? Because you will love to find in yourself what uniqueness you have, what fibers make your dentrites connect her neurons in the unique way that make you the incredible and magical reincarnation of a panther or a colibri”

What?! How inspiring, how beautiful! (Although I am not sure about the panther or the colibri — can’t I be both at the same time please?! ). What Anton said yesterday made me think, yes, this is exactly what I want. I want to find my uniqueness so I can unleash my full potential. Spot on! This sounds like an Instagram story about those perfect women going on a yoga retreat and suddenly have everything figured out (maybe this is possible?? I might try one day!)

What do I, and we, dear human species, need to do in order to go through the tunnel and unleash our unique Truth and Power? I think Anton is right, we need to LET GO!

Hence the title of this article. Pfiew. Full circle.

Now. I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time letting go of things I cannot control. Or, rather, I find it easier to give that advice instead of applying it to my own life.

So I started to wonder, how can we let go more?

First, I came to realise that in order to let go, I need to identify my “blockages”. The areas of my life where I need to be in control.

The good news is, life helped me with overcoming many already, yipee! The biggest healing process has been for me to transition from Law to Software Engineering. This was a voluntary career move. I chose this. The second transformative journey, however, was way more brutal. I lost my best friend from cancer at age 25, while living abroad in Brazil and being on my own all day was a tough one. One step further towards Healing, towards letting go…

Right now, I want to HAVE FUN writing. I want to write about things that brings me joy. I want to share my adventures, from career transitions, to grief, to living in 7 different countries, to hiking for 20 days with a backpack, to going to the Arctic, to applying Diplomatic concept into Product management.

And THIS specific thing — writing in public, will exactly be the catalyser for LETTING GO of the toxic relationship I have with myself in terms of:

  • perfectionism
  • my dear saboteurs — aka the Pleaser and the High Achiever
  • my self-imposed limitations (others are more important than me, oh oui!)

Today I find the courage to write because of that conversation with Anton yesterday, (plus the extra help of the scorpion spirit 🙈).

Bear with me, my friend, and you will dive into a human’s heart like you never did before! I am going to share with you real life stories, travel tips, darkness, happiness, psychedelics, creativity, my new career move from Software engineering to Product Management… let’s have fun. Let’s embrace all corners of ourselves. Let’s create some cool sh*t…And Let Go!

Until next time,

Be well,




Manon Jacquin

I explore what it means to be human today. I (mostly) write about leadership and ways to live a creative & joyful life. I (occasionally) write poetry.